ISBM Leadership
The ISBM is governed by an acting Board of Directors with input by associated committees, including the Scientific Leadership Committee (SLC) and the Early Career Investigator Committee (ECIC). New members are appointed to the Board and the ISBM Committees approximately every two years, generally around the time of the in person ISBM congress. If you would like to join the Board or one of the Committees, please register for the ISBM newsletter to ensure that you receive the call for applications at the next cycle.
Michelle McDonald, PhD
The University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
President Elect
Joel D. Boerckel, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Past President
Erica L Scheller, DDS, PhD
Washington University
Saint Louis, MO, USA

ISBM Scientific Leadership Committee (2024-2026)
Randee Hunter, PhD
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH, USA

ISBM Early Career Investigator Committee (2024-2026)
Matthias Walle
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Ankita Agrawal
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Ahmed Al Saedi
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, USA

ISBM Past Presidents

Gastone Marotti, MD
President (1992-1996)

David Dempster, PhD
President (1996-1999)

Juliet Compston, MD
President (1999-2002)

Brendan F. Boyce, MD
President (2002-2006)

Reinhold G. Erben, DVM, MD
President (2006-2009)

Thomas J. Wronski, PhD
President (2009-2012)

Masaki Noda, MD
President (2012-2016)

D. Rick Sumner, PhD
President (2016-2019)

Thomas L. Andersen PhD
President (2019-2022)

Erica L. Scheller, DDS, PhD
President (2022-2024)